TitelChanceMINT.NRW - studienbiografische Wendepunkte und Karriereperspektiven
Autor/in Gillert, Arne | Auferkorte-Michaelis, Nicole
Medientyp Online
Publikationstyp Buch
Erschienen 2017
Verlag Barbara Budrich
InhaltThe ChanceMINT.NRW project provides insights into professional practice, prepares students for their career entry and motivates them to shape the course of their studies with self-confidence. Together with partners from industry, committed female students visit major construction sites, sewage treatment plants and planning offices and talk to experts from partner companies about hurdles, successes and professional challenges
ISBN9783847420507 | 9783847410669 | 384742050X | 3847410660
Umfang1 electronic resource (144 p.)
Raumsystematik 01 Nordrhein-Westfalen |
Sachsystematik 724040 Frauen |
798000 Studenten |
Schlagwörter Nordrhein-Westfalen | Ingenieurstudium | Informatikstudium | Frauenförderung | 3
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