42 Beiträge in: ZDB-2186032-4 — zeige 26 bis 42:

Origin, sediment fill, and sequence stratigraphy of the Cenozoic Lower Rhine Basin (Germany) interpreted from well logs Schäfer, Andreas; Utescher, Torsten 2014

The Upper Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the southern Münsterland (Northwest Germany) revisited | new correlations of borehole lithostratigraphical, biostratigraphical and natural gamma radiation (GR) log data Dölling, Bettina; Dölling, Manfred; Hiß, Martin 2014

Methods to analyse fracture orientation patterns in a Lower Carboniferous carbonate reservoir analogue in the Voreifel, Germany Becker, Stephan 2014

The Upper Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the southern Münsterland (Northwest Germany) revisited | new correlations of borehole lithostratigraphical, biostratigraphical and natural gamma radiation (GR) log data Dölling, Bettina; Dölling, Manfred; Hiß, Martin 2014

Methods to analyse fracture orientation patterns in a Lower Carboniferous carbonate reservoir analogue in the Voreifel, Germany Becker, Stephan 2014

Research borehole Paffrather Mulde 1 (Rhenish Mountains, Germany) | structural interpretations Wrede, Volker 2013

Research borehole Paffrather Mulde 1 (Rhenish Mountains, Germany) | structural interpretations Wrede, Volker 2013

Galenit-Mineralchemie und Blei-Isotopengeochemie der postvariszischen Gangvererzungen des Niederbergischen Landes, Deutschland Harms, Udo 2012

Galenit-Mineralchemie und Blei-Isotopengeochemie der postvariszischen Gangvererzungen des Niederbergischen Landes, Deutschland Harms, Udo 2012

Research borehole Paffrather Mulde 1 | characterisation of sediments and structures of the Upper Devonian (Bergisches Land, Germany) by downhole logs, and gravimetric and seismic investigations Hunze, Sabine 2012

Research borehole Paffrather Mulde 1 | characterisation of sediments and structures of the Upper Devonian (Bergisches Land, Germany) by downhole logs, and gravimetric and seismic investigations Hunze, Sabine 2012

Fracture and fault systems characterising the intersection beween the Lower Rhine Embayment and the Ardennes-Rhenish Massif | results from the RWTH-1 well, Aachen, Germany Trautwein-Bruns, Ute 2011

Fracture and fault systems characterising the intersection beween the Lower Rhine Embayment and the Ardennes-Rhenish Massif | results from the RWTH-1 well, Aachen, Germany Trautwein-Bruns, Ute 2011

Luminescence dating of Last Glacial and Early Holocene fluvial deposits from the Lower Rhine | methodological aspects and chronological framework Lauer, Tobias 2011

Luminescence dating of Last Glacial and Early Holocene fluvial deposits from the Lower Rhine | methodological aspects and chronological framework Lauer, Tobias 2011

Der Drachenfels-Trachyt | ein wichtiges Denkmalgestein des Mittelalters ; Untersuchungen zur Konservierung Plehwe-Leisen, Esther von; Leisen, Hans; Wendler, Eberhard 2007

Der Drachenfels-Trachyt | ein wichtiges Denkmalgestein des Mittelalters ; Untersuchungen zur Konservierung Plehwe-Leisen, Esther von; Leisen, Hans; Wendler, Eberhard 2007

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